"hello welcome to my webpage of information and items. my name is misha and this is all stuff."
i am available here:
tumblr | instagram | bandcamp | soundcloud | flickr | email: l o f i g h o s t @ gmail.com


fire & robot #001 (2014)

collection of random comics and stuff.

34 pages
88.4 MB

cascadia island #1 (2016)

first issue of a comic about an island full of folks who don't know much about how to go about their lives. in this introductory installment a small robot crash lands on a nearby island while their friend is way up on the moon.

52 pages
35.3 MB

cascadia island #2 (2017)

second issue of a comic about an island full of folks who don't know much about how to go about their lives. in this follow-up installment everyone is trying to figure stuff out.

102 pages
172 MB